Physical Therapy After A Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, you have a greater chance of improving if you start physical therapy immediately. PT offers a drug-free and often a procedure-free way to get you back on your feet after a serious auto accident. Here’s a look at five ways PT puts you on the path to wholeness again.

  1. PT Reduces The Need For Surgery After A Car Accident
  2. Physical Therapy Restores Mobility
  3. It Cuts Down On Post-Auto-Accident Pain
  4. It Helps You Get Better Faster
  5. PT Can Help With Old Automobile Accident Injuries

1. PT Reduces The Need For Surgery After A Car Accident

An automobile crash leads to more than surface cuts and gashes. It stretches and even tears muscles and ligaments. These injuries prevent you from moving around, which, in turn, can lead to weakened muscles and support tissues.

A PT program helps to strengthen muscles, ligaments, tendons, and more. After a collision, the weakened state of the body and not necessarily the direct injuries from the accident create the need for surgery. Granted, some surgery may be necessary, but a good PT regimen can reduce the need for extra surgery.

2. Physical Therapy Restores Mobility

A car accident impedes your ability to move, partly due to the weakened state of your muscles. Additionally, many crashes lead to broken bones.

In both cases, you face some serious impediments to movement after a wreck. Physical therapy improves your mobility by strengthening the areas of your body that the auto accident damages and incapacitates.

3. It Cuts Down On Post-Auto-Accident Pain

A post-collision PT regimen includes gentle stretching and light movements. Some PT clinics also offer ancillary programs such as yoga and reiki, which can help. These programs either restore energy or blood flow to the injured area, which, in turn, reduces pain.

4. It Helps You Get Better Faster

Generally speaking, the more you add gentle movements and muscle-strengthening exercises to your post-accident regimen, the faster your body will heal. Blood flow will increase, and tight muscles and tendons will loosen up. All of this leads to faster healing times.

5. PT Can Help With Old Automobile Accident Injuries

PT doesn’t just help with the injuries from more recent car crashes. Seeing a physical therapist, sometimes even months after an accident offers you many therapeutic benefits. Pain is reduced. Mobility returns. Your range of motion can improve dramatically. If you still experience pain from an old automobile collision, it might help to book an appointment with a physical therapist.

Book a PT Appointment After Your Crash

Seeing a physical therapist following an automobile crash offers you many benefits. It reduces pain as well as the need for surgery. It also brings strength back to damaged muscles and tendons. Finally, the right PT program can even help you heal from the effects of an old accident, returning you to a more mobile, pain-free life.

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